December Blues and my Personal Advent Calendar

As December approaches, my finals are closing in and my plans to go to DC are being finalized. I will fly out of Chicago on December 23rd, at 6.00 am and I will come back on the 27th in the evening. I’m pretty excited for all the upcoming things. Celebrating Christmas is important to me, because you can be with family and friends. Unfortunately I don’t get do be with my family this year, but being with Shea will make up for it!

Chanukah starts on the 16th of December this year and Leah, Aidan and Carly are all pretty excited. I still don’t have a clue as to what I want to give them as a gift, but I will figure it out soon enough. Carly already told me that they have my present and so there is even more pressure.

IMG_6361My Mum sent me a specialized advent calendar. We have this tradition that we do this for each other and I’m glad I got one from her this year. Thank you!! Something else arrived a couple of days ago. My birthday present. It sucks that I can’t open it right away, but I promised that I would open it on my birthday. So I will stick to that. At least my birthday is only about six days away!!

So far it hasn’t snowed yet, at least not in a way that it stayed for longer than 30 minutes. I’m pretty positive that the snow will arrive soon. Though, everyday without it is a better day :D

xoxo Ani

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