Merry, Berry, Cherry Christmas in Washington DC

IMG_0655Ring, Ring, Ring… For my trip to meet Shea in DC my alarm rang at 2.45 am! Wait a minute?! Yes, you read that correctly. I woke up at 2.45 am in the morning. I called my cab for 3.30 am the day before, to take me to the airport and I had to get ready and all. I aimed to go to bed earlier that evening but, of course, it didn’t work. I am a late packer and therefore had to pack all of my stuff. I barely got three hours of sleep that night. So, at 3.30 my cab came. Isn’t there supposed to be service? I had to put my luggage in myself and then the best thing ever happened. NOT! The guy didn’t even know the address to the airport! I mean it’s an airport. Shouldn’t he know at least that way? So I told the cab driver the address and what did he do? Put the wrong one in! That’s why I plan more time.. Since I didn’t notice that he put in the wrong address, we drove in the wrong direction for 20 minutes. Yippieh!
After turning on Google maps (on my phone!) we found our way to the airport. I was happy when I was out of the car and had all my stuff.

So, at 3.30 my cab came. Isn’t there supposed to be service? I had to put my luggage in myself and then the best thing ever happened. NOT! The guy didn’t even know the address to the airport! I mean it’s an airport. Shouldn’t he know at least that way? So I told the cab driver the address and what did he do? Put the wrong one in! That’s why I plan more time.. Since I didn’t notice that he put in the wrong address, we drove in the wrong direction for 20 minutes. Yippieh!
After turning on Google maps (on my phone!) we found our way to the airport. I was happy when I was out of the car and had all my stuff.

I had done my check-in a day before, so I would get a good seat. For those who don’t know: My airline was Southwest and they don’t give out seats, they only give out categories, so you’re one of the first going on the plane. You then can choose your seat. After the security check, I got a Chai Tea at a bakery, because there was no Starbucks anywhere. Considering I looooove Starbucks Chai Tea this one was okay, nothing more. The wait until boarding was luckily not that long and my Mom kept me busy by talking to me. When it was time to go on the plane, there were still only about 20 people at the gate. Well, I was almost right. In the end, there were only 14 people on the plane. It only meant that all of us practically got our own row and I could sleep perfectly.

I arrived in DC, what it seems like, 5 seconds later and Shea had sent me a message that we would meet at the train station. After a little wait (or maybe a little bigger one), we met. Crazy hugs were exchanged and then we went to her place. Where I took…? Right, a nap!

And then there was time to go shopping. Shopping is always the first step. I wanted to go to Bath & Body Works, but I totally forgot that I only had a carry on. So I didn’t buy anything there and instead went to M.A.C and got my very first products from there: A foundation, powder and bronzer. And of course a nice powder brush. I have to say, I love the products. I have some issues with redness and this foundation combination covers up everything. Sorry, kind of besides the topic.

After an intense shopping journey, we went to her place again where we had some dinner and went to bed. The next days were insane. We went out again, to see some of DC, but stayed in the city center. The real culture was planned for Friday. We spent Christmas’ Eve at home, with her mother, aunt, cousin and her mom’s roommate and had some Jamaican food. They knew that I was coming, so they were unbelievably considerate. They had also prepared some light food for me incase I wouldn’t like the Jamaican food. I did try everything though. Some of it I didn’t like and some of it was absolutely delicious.

The next day, their regular Christmas day was fully planned with family activities. Shea’s sister and her boyfriend came to visit and we had food, played games and just relaxed. It was amazing. In the end we even watched Home Alone. It’s always hilarious to watch that movie.

IMG_9489Friday. Oh, my, Friday. The Culture Day. I won’t say it was bad, because it was the exact opposite, but my feet hurt, I can’t even describe it. We walked and walked, the whole day.
We started at the Aerospace Museum, then walked to the Lincoln Memorial and then from the Washington Memorial to the White House. The thing in DC is this: The subway system is not very well structures; especially in the White House district. So the time you take to walk to the nearest subway station is the same time it would take you to walk to the next historical place. So we walked and walked and walked. Finally, after more walking, we ended up at the movie theater to watch “Hobbit III – the Battle of the Five Armies”. I hate the movie!! No, not really, but why do all the good characters have to die? I should have probably seen it coming, but I hated it anyway.

I think nobody ever saw a bunch of Jamaican and a German Girl fall asleep so fast. We were home barely five minutes, before I fell asleep. It was a great day though.

The next day, everything went by very fast. We slept in until about 10.30 and then her aunt and cousin, followed by her sister and boyfriend left for New York (they live there) and within a couple hours, Shea and I had to leave for the airport as well. I hated it. I enjoyed meeting Shea so much and I can’t wait to see her again.

One thing I do have to mention. When I came home, my little angels greeted me. Carolyn even told me that they told her they missed me very much. I missed them too, so much! I was happy, when I was home but also missed Shea already.

I can’t believe my first year is almost over! The time here since August just flew by. How is that possible? Last time I blinked, it was August and I arrived in Chicago. I have to say, I’m absolutely in love with this family and Chicago. I enjoy every moment; even the kids are not little angels!

I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas!

xoxo Ani

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